UIowa's Theatre Arts Journal
The Theatre Arts Journal at the University of Iowa was started by myself (Rebecca Weaver) and fellow dramaturg (Margaret Smith) because we wanted an outlet to write about things happening in the department, the university, and the greater field of theatre. Below are editions of the journal that I have curated, written, and edited while at UIowa.

November 2024 - 3rd Issue
This issue focuses on Roots—the roots of theatre, roots of language, roots of political & social change, where we come from, how our roots have influenced our lives, and where they may take us. A major impact on this edition was the 2024 presidential election—calling for even more action from theatre artists and the brave spaces we curate and inhabit.

October 2024 - 2nd Issue
This issue of the UIowa Theatre Arts Journal focuses on beginnings--beginning of a journey; beginning of the semester; beginning of a project; etc. Contents include a response to Brody Kivett's new play, UH-OH!; Marie Antoinette (d. Mary Beth Easley); and Flashes by MFA playwright, Adrian Enzastiga; as well as dicsussion around professional Summer work and Study Abroad.