Rebecca Weaver
Rebecca Weaver (She/They) is an early-career dramaturg. She first came across dramaturgy as a Creative Writing major, but quickly fell in love with the power of dramatic storytelling. They are currently an MFA candidate in Dramaturgy at the University of Iowa, and is the writer/dramaturgy consultant for the Department of Theatre Arts's '24-'25 season. ​
Rebecca's focus in both theatre and literature is on both Queer and Feminist studies, particularly in how both art forms can inform and enact change in our world. They are also interested in political/social theatre as well. These interests can be seen in her professional and personal worlds--​such as, in curating and creating a visual display of queer history for Ann Kreitman's production of The Children's Hour, which is now on display in the LGBTQ Iowa Archives and Library; co-founding and co-editing the first edition of UIowa's Theatre Arts Journal (April 2024) which highlighted the Iowa New Play Festival at UIowa, the last mainstage show, In the Red and Brown Water (d. Caroline Clay), as well as the ongoing genocide happening in Palestine; and most recently, Rebecca received a fellowship to study in Germany this summer in preparation for her MFA thesis.

Writer/Dramaturgy Consultant
University of Iowa, Department of Theatre (Current)
Dramaturgical writer & consultant for the Theatre Arts department at the University of Iowa, responsible for developing & writing promotional media content for the upcoming mainstage productions; responsible for curating & writing the study guides for each mainstage show.
University of Iowa, Department of Theatre (Current)
Graduate Lecturer, teaching the course Staging Americans & Script Analysis, examining dramatic literature from a critical perspective--engaging in discussions, analysis, dramaturgical inquiry, & critical thinking.
Workshop Assistant
Iowa Playwrights' Workshop, UIowa (Current)
Workshop assistant, responsible for curating & coordinating schedules, readings, & feedback sessions as they pertain to the workshop's needs; coordinate with guest artists, schedule one-on-ones, arrange travel & accommodations, as well as act as a liaison between faculty, students, &/or guest artists.
University of Iowa, Department of Rhetoric (2022-24)
Taught multiple sections of Rhetoric & a couple of courses titled Speaking & Reading; tackled analysis & critique to discover, question, explain, & justify positions & claims made in writing & speaking; reading & listening to comprehend & assess arguments; employment of rhetorical concepts; & understanding research as responsible inquiry for speaking & writing.
University of Iowa
MFA, Dramaturgy
Currently an MFA candidate in Dramaturgy at the University of Iowa under the instruction of Art Borreca (and Dare Clubb). My focus during this time was on new play development, visual dramaturgy, & Queer/Feminist dramaturgies.
Jacksonville State University
MA, English
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, I went back to JSU to obtain my MA in English, with a focus on literature & pedagogy. Along with my MA degree, I also obtained microcredentials in Teaching College Literature & Teaching College Writing. My MA thesis was titled, "A Morality Play or Just Simply Queer: Lillian Hellman's The Children's Hour."
Jacksonville State University
BA, Theatre (Production)
While obtaining my BA in English, I added on another BA in Theatre. During this time, my focus was on theatre production--specifically, dramaturgy. My other focuses include directing & stage management. I graduated summa cum laude.
Jacksonville State University
BA, English (Literature)
During this time, I worked towards a BA in English. At first, my focus was in Creative Writing, as I was attending Winthrop University. However, after transferring to JSU, my focus shifted to Literature, graduating magna cum laude.